Community Project Transition Fund

Funding for community and third sector organisations to support behaviour change programmes to increase walking, wheeling and cycling in local communities.

Walking and active travel

After the closure of our Smarter Choices, Smarter Places programme this year, Paths for All opened the new Community Project Transition Fund. The grant fund was open to community and third sector organisations for projects that deliver behaviour change away from single-user car journeys towards walking, wheeling and cycling. 

The Community Project Transition Fund is a £2.1m grant fund, with a minimum award of £5,000 and a maximum of £100,000. This revenue funding is for projects that will contribute to the Transport Scotland Active Travel Framework Outcome to “Increase the number of people choosing walking, cycling and wheeling in Scotland” by delivering on outcomes:

  • More people choose to walk, wheel or cycle for short local journeys or
  • People develop more positive attitudes towards active travel options

Projects must align with the Transport Scotland People and Place programme priorities of:

  • Active Schools and Young People
  • Workplaces
  • Accessibility and inclusion
  • Capacity and Capability 


Please note this fund is now closed.

Paths for All are delivering this fund on behalf of Tactran and Scotland’s Regional Transport Partnerships with the support of Transport Scotland. 

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CPTF Guidance Document