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Cuairtean dha teaghlaichean

Project contact

Local Authority
Contact Details
Lewis Laing
01463 234138
Web address

When & Where

Please see the individual walks below for times and locations

Cuairtean dha teaghlaichean - Comann nam Pàrant agus Comann na Gàidhlig

'S e deagh chothrom a tha seo dha teaghlaichean ann an Inbhir Nis a bhith a' tighinn cruinn còmhla 's a bhith a' bleadraich 's a' dèanamh beagan eacarsaich, agus ma dh'fhaoidte a bhith ag ionnsachadh beagan a bharrachd mun nàdar a tha timcheall orra! 'S i a' Ghàidhlig prìomh chànan na buidhne seo, ach tha fàilte oirbh ge brith dè th' agaibh den chànan. Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuiribh brath gu Lewis Laing air lewis@cnag.org

This is an opportunity for families in Inverness to get together and have a blether, be active, and maybe learn a bit about the surrounding nature! Gaelic is the main language of this group, but you are welcome to attend no matter your level of the language. For more info, please contact Lewis Laing on lewis@cnag.org